Swayne brought Nathalie over tonight. I’m in love with my sister to be. They are so happy that I am too. (Jessie’s diary, September 24, 1922) Swayne was marrying Nathalie Davant, and there was much excitement and activity in the Latham house, along with many luncheons, bridge parties, and dinners to celebrate the young couple.
In past times a bride to be would buy (or make) all sorts of new clothes for her new life as a married woman and this was her trousseau. Jessie had an amusing diary entry regarding trousseaus. – I didn’t realize before that a groom has a trousseau as well as a bride. But everyday more packages come that Swayne has ordered and we can hardly wait to open them – suits, shoes, hats, silk dressing gowns, and oh! the baby blue and lavender silk pajamas. It’s all very interesting. (September 16, 1922)
On September 29 Jessie went over to the Davant’s and saw Nathalie’s bridal veil and train. I couldn’t find a photo of Nathalie in her wedding dress and veil, but perhaps they were similar to some of the wedding costumes below that were from that time period.

The next three weeks were a whirl of parties and activities related to the upcoming wedding. There was at least one party every day, and sometimes there were two. The party that seemed the most fun to me was given by Grace and Bob Snowden on October 15th at their house and property which sat right on Horseshoe Lake. The guests (the bridal party) arrived about 1 pm. There was swimming, canoeing, or just relaxing. Dinner was served about three. So much good to eat and such a crazy bunch. We were all laughing continuously. JL
Finally it was the day, October 18, 1922. Jessie wrote in her diary, Swayne’s wedding day! How I hate to have him leave us, but how happy I am to have Nathalie for my sister and his wife…The wedding came off beautifully tonight. The boys didn’t disgrace Swayne and everything and everybody looked so pretty…Had reception and supper at Davant’s after the wedding. Cut a wedding cake… The mob of us were down at the train to bid the bride and groom a fond farewell...and they were off for Chicago soon after ten.